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Maths/English for Std. 4th - 8th

Vedic Maths

It is a magical method of fast calculations. It is based on ancient Indian principles. It is unique and helps to enhance calculating speed of students without having the need to resort to the abacus or calculator.


Mental Maths

It refers to the practice of doing calculations in your head. It is often used as a way to calculate an estimate quickly through the use of maths facts that have been committed to memory such as multiplication, division, or doubles facts

English Vocabulary

It helps to improve your communication in English. It also helps to create own thought on a paper which improves writing skills and helps to score better in all subjects.


English Grammar

Grammar is the way we arrange words to make proper sentences. Word level grammar covers Verbs and Tenses, Nouns, Adverbs, etc. Sentencce level grammar, Mental grammar covers the knowledge of Language that allows a person to produce and understand utterances, or represent knowledge of speaker that they have. 

For 9th & 10th Special Vacation Batch according to their academic syllabus

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